10 November 2018
This domain name and website has reached 9 years online but remained idle for the past 5 years since mid 2013. Last month, I began making some changes and new updates to its content.
In late August 2014, I resigned from my full-time technician job of 8 years repairing Canon DSLR cameras and lenses. Unknown to many photographers in the state and country who used Canon products, I was one of a very few persons who put their cameras and lenses back in correct and accurate working order. Having been a working photographer before becoming a technician, I entered the job with enthusiasm and passion, but it was gradually eroded over time. Leaving the job marked my departure from repairing digital cameras and lenses on a daily basis. I continued working casually in that job for a few more months as I transitioned into a different industry and left completely by mid 2015.
The technical knowledge and hand skills from my technician job are now infrequently used. Some of the knowledge is very specialized, especially in the areas of spectral modification (infrared conversion) and Canon CHDK. I occasionally service, repair, or modify, Canon cameras and lenses for my own use, or to be sold away.
I have since moved to work in a different industry – tourism. On this date 4 years ago, I started in my current job. Although part-time, I work nearly, but sometimes exceeding, full-time hours as a shift worker. Shift work offers me a degree of flexibility in my life not possible with regular Monday-to-Friday jobs.
I still use my cameras, photographing mostly portraits, sometimes landscapes when I drive out to the countryside, and sometimes interesting aspects of life as it happens. Photographing portraits and landscapes is an artistic and creative pastime which helps to creatively tickle my brain and distract me from the mental weight of our increasingly complicated, conflicted and troubled world. In other words, photography could help to keep depression away. Compared to the conservative Asian country where I was originally from, Melbourne city has a liberal mind towards visual art, and Victoria state is blessed with nature’s beauty.
Single for a year now, I have more time and money to renew my enthusiasm in photography. I sold away all 3 of my ageing, second-hand, and long discontinued Canon DSLR cameras to replace them with newer camera models. Being sensibly frugal, I waited patiently for the better second-hand past camera models to appear on Facebook Marketplace and eBay instead of buying the current or brand new camera models.
My like-new Canon PowerShot G12 acquired in 2018.
My like-new Canon EOS 7D and Speedlite 320EX acquired in 2018.
My brand-new run-out Canon EOS 6D bought in 2018.
In May this year, I gave myself a few birthday presents. I bought a like-new Canon PowerShot G12, a like-new Canon EOS 7D, a like-new Canon Speedlite 320EX, all for a fraction of their retail price. In June, I bought a brand-new run-out Canon EOS 6D priced low because its replacement model (EOS 6D Mark II) was already in the market. A little later that month, I bought a brand-new run-out Canon BG-E13 for the EOS 6D priced lower to clear. In July, I laughed my head off as I bought an excellent condition Canon EF-S 10-22mm zoom lens insanely cheap price about one-third of its second-hand value. In October, I bought a like-new Canon EF 25 II for less than half of its retail price. That was a bit of a buying spree but having sold away all 3 of my very old cameras first, the hurt to my bank account was minimized.
My “white horse” in countryside Victoria.
My “white horse” in the state forest in countryside Victoria.
My “white horse” on the alpine mountain in countryside Victoria.
Condoms are a family planning and financial planning invention rolled into one that preserves your time, money and freedom.
My regularly-serviced “white horse” gets me and my photographic equipment to faraway countryside places. My humble “white horse” is no luxury model but it has reliably taken me hundreds of kilometers away, over mud and snow, in lush forests and on misty mountains. Living my life as carefully and responsibly as possible, and not taking on more cares and responsibilities than I can managed and afford, I have no iron ball and chain to restrain me from my pursuits.
21 November 2009
The domain name jemapela.com was first registered as early as in September 2002 to create this Jemapela Photography website. In its earliest form, I created this website by writing HTML and using Microsoft Frontpage, and later enhanced with Macromedia Dreamweaver.
This website underwent a major change in November 2009 using WordPress, a free and open-source content management system with plugin architecture and a template system most associated with blogging. This WordPress website was encouraged and set up with the knowledge and assistance of my ex-girlfriend, and the domain-registration and web-hosting expertise of my best friend.
The first two creators of this website, my ex-girlfriend and best friend with me having a Korean dinner in Melbourne Chinatown.